The first time I experienced back pain I was in third grade.

I noticed that whenever I sat without back support for more than a few minutes, a dull ache would creep up my spine, slowly building in intensity until it was too much to bear.

Over the years my condition worsened until by the time I was in my early twenties I was suffering from near constant pain, so much so that I found a traditional desk job unbearable. I’d been seeing chiropractors for years, but found the pain always returned days later.

What I needed was a real solution, one that didn’t just treat the symptoms but actually addressed the core problem. However, I was broke and without the kind of insurance that would cover high quality physical therapy. So instead, I took my passion for strength training and my curiosity for the human body and devoted myself to the field of personal training, a pursuit I’d always been keenly interested in.

Over the next several years, I studied the foremost experts in the fields of strength training and biomechanics, and synthesized their techniques into a model of training that’s allowed me to rebuild myself and others from the ground up.

My goal is not simply to help my clients lose a few pounds or train around an injury, but to transform them into the best shape of their life – with a body that feels as good as it looks.